Thursday, March 1, 2012

OIM11g: Configuring Design Console

I want to share this video that I made today, because OIM 11G has different concept of Design Console installation. It does not have installer anymore) as OIM 10G had. So, the question for Design Console 11g is: if there is no installer anymore, how do I get it working on my Windows machine without installing all the Identity Management components of 11g?
Youtube video:
Important details of this video:
“@loc\java\bin\java” %DEBUG_OPTS% ^
-DXL.ExtendedErrorOptions=TRUE -DXL.HomeDir=@loc ^\xl.policy ^
-Dlog4j.configuration=config\ ^ ^\@auth_config ^
com.thortech.xl.client.base.tcAppWindow -server server
In my case replaced to:
“C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin\java” %DEBUG_OPTS% ^
-DXL.ExtendedErrorOptions=TRUE -DXL.HomeDir=C:\Oracle\designconsole ^\xl.policy ^
-Dlog4j.configuration=config\ ^\authwl.conf ^
com.thortech.xl.client.base.tcAppWindow -server server
What should be replaced here:
“@loc\java\bin\java” – ‘@loc’ –> to your JDK installation
“-DXL.HomeDir=@loc” – ‘@loc’ –> will be  $DC_HOME/designconsole
“config\@auth_config” – ‘@auth_config’ –> will be authwl.conf
I hope this helps,
Thiago L Guimaraes