Sunday, June 28, 2015

Android Coding: How to manage your Android fields using LinearLayout,TableLayout and TableRow

Hello everyone,

    Today I am going to show thru screenshots and video how to create a structure for your layout in your Android application. This will allow you to align your fields, buttons and tables.

NOTE: Please use these screenshots below with the video explanation, so you can have a better understanding on this mobile article:

1) This first picture is displaying the behavior of  LinearLayout,TableLayout and TableRow.  
2)Java code of the actions that we will be using.

3) Please watch the video with all details on this layout structure.

AndroidSoapBox by ThiagoLeoncio - Layouts

Happy coding!

I hope it helps you,
Thiago Leoncio.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to change cn=orcladmin PW for OVD without EM

Here they are the steps that you must take, if your EM is not working to change OVD super user password:

1-You must set ORACLE_HOME before running this script.

2-Locate in $ORACLE_HOME/ovd/bin/directory.

3-Run the script using the following syntax: -componentName  ovd-component-name -instancePath ovd-instance-path  -option username/password option

For example: –componentName ovd1 –instancePath /scratch/aime1/asinst_1 –option Password –componentName ovd1 –instancePath /scratch/aime1/asinst_1 –option Username

When you run a help or anything wrong you can see these:

perl –componentName ovd1 –instancePath /u01/app/idm/config/instances/oid1/OVD –option Password
 -componentName VAL : OVD Component Name
 -instancePath VAL  : OVD Instance Path
 -option VAL        : Password/Username
 -userType VAL      : ROOT/EMADMIN. Defaults to ROOT when this option is not spe

If you type it properly then you will see the result:

perl /u01/app/idm/products/dir/oid/ovd/bin/  –componentName ovd1 –instancePath /u01/app/idm/config/instances/oid1/config/OVD/ovd1 –option Password
Enter password:
Confirm password:

Check this article also:

I hope it helps you,
Thiago Leoncio.