Saturday, May 16, 2015

Android Coding: How to get Location/Sensors information from your Android

Hello everyone,

   Today I would like to show you how to use the LocationManager classes to collect the exact location of your mobile during the execution of your application. As part of the content, I would like to talk a little bit about sensors as well. Please note: there is one video published on youtube that is related of this article that I wrote, find below more details below:

The Use LocationManager object using getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE), then instantiate LocationListenet , and this listener needs to override some methods, such as OnLocationEnableb, OnStatusChanged or OnProviderEnable and Disable.

How to get Location Updates:

1-Call requestLocationUpdates(provider, minTime,minDistance, Listener)

2-Call removeUpdates(Listener) to stop getting Location.

It works the same way that you call some other methods, as for example the Hardware Sensors. But a very important information here is:

Any service or activity that will ask for a listener on sensor data should implement the SensorEventListener interface.

The java class SensorEventListener has two required methods:

onAccuracyChanged() -> when accuracy of the sensor changes

onSensorChanged() -> when sensor reports new values.

So, when the sensor values change on mobile system, the values array(in the event that goes using onSensorChanged method) will change.

The Event Values:

The value here is an array of values returned from the sensor.

Each type of sensor has a different array of values, such as X,y,z axis(math).TYPE_proximity has only one element in its values array(eg: values[0]).

Warning: Preserve the battery! When you are dealing with location, the hardware that works for sensor is highly consumed, per user action, delays parameters
and others.

Example of delays parameters:

SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL: sampling rate for screen orientation changes.

SENSOR_DELAY_UI: For monitoring changes that will be applied to the user(interface).

SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST: a zero microsecond delay.

SENSOR_DELAY_GAME: for monitoring changes for a use in a typical game.

Saying that, let's go to the main coding of this article:

1) Creating your android project you will see the 3 main files we are going to work with:, activity_location_thiago_leoncio.xml and AndroidManifest.xml

1.1) On activity_location_thiago_leoncio.xml I will drag and drop all TextViews that I am going to use as a display.

1.2)On we will write our methods that are going to be displayed(called) by the main onCreate method.
In this case is calling a method setupLocation() that is provided below, and the embedded method showLocationofThiago():

1.3) Last but not least the AndroidManifest.xml that allows the mobile emulator user to get the location:

2) The way that I developed when you run your emulator and launch your Android Device Monitor sending the location it will show you something similar to this below:

To help you better understand this, please watch this video that I've published:

I hope it helps you,
Thiago Leoncio.