Monday, December 31, 2012

How to import and export metadata from OIM MDS

Today I’ll show how to import and export MDS files to remove e-mail notifications on OIM 11G:
1)Go to /u01/oim/oim_home/server/bin
2)Update the file as shown below:
Set the OIM_ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\ directory.
# Weblogic Server Name on which OIM application is running
# If you are importing or exporting any out of box event handlers, value is oim.
# For rest of the out of box metadata, value is OIMMetadata.
# If you are importing or exporting any custom data, always use application name as OIMMetadata.
# Directory location from which XML file should be imported.
# Lets say I want to import User.xml and it is in the location /scratc/asmaram/temp/oim/file/User.xml,
# I should give from location value as /scratc/asmaram/temp/oim. Make sure no other files exist
# in this folder or in its sub folders. Import utility tries to recursively import all the files under the
# from location folder. This property is only used by
# Directory location to which XML file should be exported to
# For example /file/User.xml to export user entity definition. You can specify multiple xml files as comma separated values.
# This property is only used by and scripts
[oracle@ThiagoLeoncio-Server bin]$ ./
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) …
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
Starting export metadata script ….
Connecting to t3://OIM:14000 with userid oim_admin …
Successfully connected to managed Server ‘oim_server1′ that belongs to domain ‘oim_domain’.
Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
Admin port should be used instead.
Location changed to custom tree. This is a writable tree with No root.
For more help, use help(custom)
Disconnected from weblogic server: oim_server1
End of export metadata script …
Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.
4)Now, you should have some files exported:
remove this line to disable notifications:
remove this line to disable notifications:
entity-type=”User” operation=”CREATE” name=”PasswordNotificationHandler”
order=”1180″ stage=”postprocess” sync=”TRUE”
then Import these files again as this example below:
[oracle@ThiagoLeoncio-Server bin]$ ./
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) …
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
Starting import metadata script ….
Connecting to t3://OIM:14000 with userid oim_admin …
Successfully connected to managed Server ‘oim_server1′ that belongs to domain ‘oim_domain’.
Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
Admin port should be used instead.
Location changed to custom tree. This is a writable tree with No root.
For more help, use help(custom)
Disconnected from weblogic server: oim_server1
End of importing metadata script …
Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.
test you e-mail notifications. If did not work, try to bounce OIM server.
Listed below list of customizable OIM MetaData, have fun:
/db/DBUM Lookup reconciliation.xml
/db/DBUM Oracle Target Delete Reconciliation.xml
/db/DBUM Oracle Target Resource User Reconciliation.xml
/db/Oracle DB User
/db/Oracle DB User_backup
I hope this helps,
Thiago Leoncio.

Friday, December 7, 2012

JRockit Flight Recorder: Analysis into OAM 11G environment

First Jrockit article I did analysis into OIM environment and we could see java class: com.thortech.xl.scheduler.core.quartz.QuartzSchedulerImpl.scheduleJob was not working properly.
Today I doing some troubleshooting in OAM environment using JROckit Mission COntrol tool. So, let’s follow step-by-step.
First step: I saw one issue into OAM environment and this was throwing stuck threads into WLS AdminServer and OAM Logs during the day.
Second step: Run jrcmd command to collect all information required to do Java analysis into OAM process. Follow one command example:
./jrcmd 17294 start_flightrecording name=OAM-17294 settings=default duration=7200s filename=/tmp/OAM-17294.jfr.gz compress=true
2.1-17294=> OAM process number.
2.2-start_flightrecording=> command that Mission control will run.
2.4-settings=> option to use templates during the record process.
code=>Additional settings for enabling more verbose compiler logging.
default=>Default settings tuned for a very low performance overhead and recommended for always-on production use.
freemem=>Additional settings for debugging out-of-memory and fragmentation problems.
full=>Enables collection of all available events for all subsystems. Warning: This has a very high performance overhead.
io=>Additional settings for enabling more verbose Java I/O logging.
leak=>Additional settings for debugging memory leaks.
locks=>Additional settings for enabling more verbose synchronization logging.
memory=>Additional settings for enabling more verbose GC/memory management logging.
off=>Disables all events for all subsystems.
profile=>Recommended settings for creating a profiling recording. They provide a good balance between the amount of information available and the performance overhead introduced.
sample=>Additional settings for enabling hotspot sampling of code.
semirefs=>Additional settings for debugging problems with java.lang.ref.Reference objects and its subclasses.
2.5-compress=true ==>to compress or not the record file.
3-Third Step: Analysis based on your knowledge related of java and application:
3.1- During the collection time I could see the main problem of OAM was the garbage collection. It was not working properly. Actually
Garbage was working more but heap memory was high. So, I could see problems related of ‘fremem’ so, in my case the command was:
3.1.1- ps -ef |grep oamserver_1 <== get process number of OAM.
3.1.2- ./jrcmd processnumber start_flightrecording name=OAM settings=freemem.jfs duration=7200s filename=/tmp/OAM.jfr.gz compress=true <==start to record JRC file.
other helpful command is:
3.1.3-jrcmd processnumber check_flightrecording <== Check status of Flight recording
Opening this file into Mission COntrol client I could see these 3 important pictures below:

Fig1: As you can see, during the day we had some objects growing and getting the max heap memory allocated. If this was only a memory problem and we just need to add more, ok sounds good. But this was not the case here. As you can see GC is not working properly. You cannot see the blue line working (increasing and decreasing per object clean-up). So, moving forward… Check Fig2 and Fig3.

Fig2: Then another collection day, I could garbage getting stuck because of some objects and then trying to keep working. This behavior means that JVM garbage process was trying to do its work, but some java code was not developed properly.

Fig3:This main picture we could get exactly what are java codes in OAM application were not been clean by GC as well as putting all the server in a bad situation. So, using this analysis we could work and fix the code related and apply a new patch into this environment.
So, basically the problem was related of some SQLs using PreparedStatement. And tangosol(responsible for high performance transactions) IOs. Using this tool I could go directly to the root cause.
Donwnload JRMC:
Docs and Reference: 1.0-
I hope this helps,
Thiago Leoncio.