Saturday, October 8, 2016

Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: /j_security_check

Hello everyone,

 Today I would like to share with you one error that took 2 days to get it fixed.

Running WebSphere over a RAD eclipse environment I've configured all the details related of JDBC connection, libraries needed for the project and so on.

But it fails in LDAP piece giving an error once I try to login in my application:

Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: /j_security_check

Here it's what I had in my WebSphere configured at that time for Ldap:

The problem is: when you have an LDAP authentication available for you application that's using  WebSphere 8.5, it needs as well a security enable configuration, using a valid userID and password for LDAP purposes. So, you must configure this click two times in your WebSphere App Server in the Eclipse RAD server tab.

So, once you configure it properly your app should be generating the /j_security_check file. And your Admin Console should be login only with a valid ldap_user and password as below:

I hope it helps and fix your ldap/app issues.

happy coding!!
Thiago Leoncio.

How to use waffle library for JNA (Java Native Access)

Hello everyone,

I would like to show you guys how to use waffle library for JNA (Java Native Access).

So, coding time...

[Source Code]

package thiago.leoncio;

import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecBufferDesc;


 * @author THiago
 * @Date 10/08/2016
 * @Description: How to get details from current machine.
 * @libs for JNA(jna.jar;jna-min.jar;jna-platform.jar;guava-18.0.jar;waffle-jna-1.8.0.jar)

public class Authenticator {

public static void main(String args[]) {

IWindowsSecurityContext clientContext = WindowsSecurityContextImpl.getCurrent( "Negotiate", "localhost" );

// create an auth provider and a security context for the client
// on the server
WindowsAuthProviderImpl provider = new WindowsAuthProviderImpl();
IWindowsSecurityContext serverContext = null;

do {  

    if (serverContext != null) {
        byte[] tokenForTheClientOnTheServer = serverContext.getToken();
     SecBufferDesc continueToken = new SecBufferDesc(Sspi.SECBUFFER_TOKEN, tokenForTheClientOnTheServer);
        clientContext.initialize(clientContext.getHandle(), continueToken, "localhost");

    byte[] tokenForTheServerOnTheClient = clientContext.getToken();
    serverContext = provider.acceptSecurityToken("server-connection", tokenForTheServerOnTheClient, "Negotiate");

} while (clientContext.isContinue());

// client is, only by exchanging byte[] arrays


as I explained in previous blog:
On top of JNA exists a library called Waffle which encapsulates all functionality you need to implement user authentication. Get from GitHub at and also on Maven central. To download the jar files get from here:

Please, see this JNA and Waffle article also:

Happy coding..
Thiago Leoncio.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/cache/CacheBuilder on WindowsAuthProviderImpl class

Hey guys,

Recently I was working with JNA using Waffle to get the user details, and at same time creating a token on client side, in order to create a trust relationship between the targets.. Then i got this issue that I would like to share how to fix:

On top of JNA exists a library called Waffle which encapsulates all functionality you need to implement user authentication. Get from GitHub at and also on Maven central. To download the jar files get from here:

Using waffle project I got this error recently:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/cache/CacheBuilder
at thiago.leoncio.Authenticator.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 3 more

To fix this you must add the library that has all google classes. It's name is guava-18.0.jar  and of course the waffle one: waffle-jna-1.8.0.jar

Please, check this JNA and Waffle article also:

I hope this helps,
Thiago Leoncio.