Saturday, September 23, 2017

What is Kubernetes and how to use it

Hello everyone,

  Today I would like to talk more about one tool that I am working since 2016 and it's now on top of our projects. So, here it comes Kubernetes.

Benefits of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is designed in a way that provides availability, scalability, security, and portability. Reliability is another main benefit of Kubernetes and can be used to prevent failure from impacting the availability or performance of the application. Moreover, Kubernetes enables the users to respond efficiently to customers demand by scaling or rolling out new innovative features. It is systematized in such a way that it offers freedom of choice when choosing operating systems, container runtimes, processor architectures, cloud platforms and PaaS. It also improves the cost of infrastructure by efficiently dividing the workload across available resources. This shows that while other technologies are doing a commendable job at handling the cluster aspect, Kubernetes is providing a better management system.


For beginners, before you delve into the what, why and how of Kubernetes, you need to have prior knowledge of what containers are and how do they work? What are Dockers and managed VMs and how do they work? Since the basic aim of this article is to explain Kubernetes in detail, the main terminologies will be briefly explained before we jump onto the Kubernetes and its components. If you’re interested to learn more about Dockers, Virtual Machines, containers then you can check out terrific articles here, here, and here. Now for the shorter basic versions:

What are containers?

A container is a standardized unit of software. It is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package of a piece of software that includes everything needed to run it: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, settings. Available for both Linux and Windows-based apps, the containerized software will always run the same, regardless of the environment.
Source of definition taken from

What is Dockers?

Docker container is an open source software development platform. Its main benefit is to package applications in “containers,” allowing them to be portable to any system running the Linux operating system (OS).
Now back to what is Kubernetes. Since you now know of some of the basic terminologies, let’s go back to the definition of the Kubernetes. It is basically a cluster management tool for Docker container. Kubernetes aids in scheduling and deploying a large number of containers replicas onto a node cluster. Since it’s an open source model, Kubernetes can run almost anywhere, and all the major players in public cloud providers offer easy ways to utilize this technology. Private clouds based on OpenStack or Mesos can also run on Kubernetes, and bare metal servers can be leveraged as worker nodes for it.

The Kubernetes Architecture
Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 1.46.33 PM.png


Kubernetes architecture diagram

Image: Kubernetes architecture diagram (Image Source: Wikipedia)

As with most distributed computing platforms, a Kubernetes cluster consists of at least one master and multiple compute nodes.

Master component

The master node is the one that is responsible for the management of Kubernetes cluster. This is the main entry point of all administrative tasks. The master node, also known as the control plane, is the one that is managing the worker nodes, where the actual services are running.

A master node is made of following components:

  • etcd storage

The etcd is a simple, lightweight, distributed key-value store that can be distributed across multiple nodes. The etcd storage was developed by the CoreOS team to be mainly used for shared configuration and service discovery.  Kubernetes uses etcd to store configuration data that can be used by each of the nodes in the cluster

  • API Server

API Server is the main management point of the entire cluster, as it allows a user to configure many of Kubernetes’ workloads and organizational units. The API server is also the entry points for all the REST commands used to control the cluster. That means several different tools and libraries can easily communicate with it.

  • Controller-manager

The controller manager service is a general service that is responsible for controllers that regulate the state of the cluster and perform routine tasks. The example of such a controller is the replication controller. As it ensures that the number of replicas defined for a service matches the number currently deployed on the cluster. The details of these operations are written to etcd, where the controller manager watches for changes to the API server.

  • Scheduler

The scheduler component configures pods and services onto the nodes. Moreover, the scheduler is also responsible for tracking resource utilization on each host to make sure that workloads are not scheduled in excess of the available resources.


Nodes are the servers that perform work in Kubernetes. It was previously known as minion. A node can be a virtual machine or a physical machine, depending on the cluster. Every single node has the services necessary to run pods and is managed by the master components. The services on a node include:

  • kubelet

kubelet gets the configuration of a pod from the API server and ensures that the described containers are up and running. This is the worker service that’s responsible for communicating with the master node. It is responsible for relaying information to and from the control plane services, as well as interacting with the etcd store to read configuration details or write new values.

  • Docker

Docker is responsible for downloading the images and starting the containers. It runs on the encapsulated application containers in a lightweight operating environment. Each unit of work is implemented as series containers that must be deployed.

  • kube-proxy

Kube-proxy runs on each node to deal with individual host sub-netting and ensure that the services are available to external parties. It serves as a network proxy and a load balancer for a service on a single worker node and manages the network routing for TCP and UDP packets.

Kubernetes terminologies

Must know terminologies of Kubernetes are:

  • Pods– Pods are a collection of one or more containers. It acts as a Kubernetes’ core unit of management. Pods set the logical boundary for containers sharing the same context and resources.

Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 1.44.20 PM.png

  • Labels– Labels are arbitrary tags that can be placed on the above work units to mark them as a part of a group. These can then be selected for management purposes and action targeting.

  • Services– Services is a unit that acts as a basic load balancer and ambassador for other containers. Service groups together logical collections of pods that perform the same function to give an impression of the single entity.

  • Replication Controller– A more complex version of pod is known as a replicated pod. These are handled a type of work unit known as a replication controller. Replication controllers make sure that a specific number of pod replicas are running at any one time.

In November-2017, Please be ready for new chronicle K8S - Managing Snapshots through kubectl

I hope you liked this article and happy coding,
Thiago Leoncio

Saturday, September 16, 2017

How to configure Oracle ORDS as a mod_plsql replacement in a Non-APEX environment

Hello friends,

This is a configuration of ORDS as a mod_plsql replacement for PL/SQL web toolkit based applications. Before that I've installed the database side, primarily as segregation of tasks that need to be performed by a DBA versus middle tier administrator.

Middle Tier Installation and Configuration

The middle tier part is the most important setup for ORDS. Here I would describe the configuration that I had done on ‘standalone’ (jetty server that comes with ords.war) mode but deploying the .war file on any of the middle tier server (Glassfish ,Weblogic, Tomcat, or IBM Websphere) should be straightforward.

Following few things that I had done on my local instance:

ORDS install on the standalone server with multiple database connection pools setup as optional
Setup a self-signed certificate (optional)
Configure ORDS plugins as a workaround for file uploads
Sample code to test
PL/SQL code to do GET
Secure cookie
Plugin test with demo-plugin.jar
The ORDS product installation uses java to perform the installation. Make sure that java development kit (JRE/JDK version 1.7 and above) is installed on the local machine from here this setup would be run.

ORDS install on Standalone Server

Mainly there are four simple steps to complete the configuration and make a simple test work. Two directory locations are essential. One is the location where the “ords.war” is the location which would be referred to as installation directory. The second one is the configuration directory where the configuration files are saved.

Go to the location where the ords.war was downloaded [Here’s the link if needed to download the file]. My folder is under /u01/downthenet/orasw/thiagoleoncio, and my os/Unix username is Oracle.

Step1.1 – Unzip ords software:
Unzip the file to this directory.

$ pwd
$ unzip ../
Edit the parameters file to enter as many details as needed to avoid having to type at the command prompt for each value during the installation. My database schema where the application code is compiled is thiagoappuser01.

Run an ORDS command to establish a directory on your file system where ORDS will store all its configuration information. To keep it simple and not work around the permission of different directories, please create the conf/ords under “oracle” user’s home as follows:

Step1.2 – Configuration directory:
Create a configuration directory where the ORDS config files would be saved.

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$ mkdir –p /u01/app/ords
This directory should exist before running the configdir command, which is as follows:

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$ java –jar ords.war configdir /u01/app/ords

INFO: Set config.dir to /u01/app/ords/conf in: /u02/downthenet/orasw/thiagoleoncio/ords.war

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$
Step1.3 – Core Installation:
If specific tablespace, port number, etc. need to be changed/updated then open params/ file. Since the installation doesn’t require APEX product to be installed, we should open the parameters file and changed the db.username from APEX_PUBLIC_USER to thiagoappuser01 (or any application schema/user where the PL/SQL web application is installed).

$ [oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$ vi params/
$ [oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$

The next step is to run the install command. Since most of the basic information was updated in the properties file, the installation prompts are mainly to enter passwords. See below for the values that had been entered. Remember, password for all schemas is “oracle” (without the quotes)

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$ java –jar ords.war install
Enter the database password for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER:
 Confirm password:
 Please login with SYSDBA privileges to verify Oracle REST Data Services schema.
 Enter the username with SYSDBA privileges to verify the installation [SYS]:
 Enter the database password for SYS:
 Confirm password:
 Enter 1 if you want to use PL/SQL Gateway or 2 to skip this step.
 If using Oracle Application Express or migrating from mod_plsql then you must enter 1 [1]:1
 Enter the database password for thiagoappuser01:
 Confirm password:
 Enter 1 to specify passwords for Application Express RESTful Services database users (APEX_LISTENER, APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER) or 2 to skip this step [1]:2

Jan 17, 2017 2:31:40 PM
 INFO: Updated configurations: defaults, apex, apex_pu
 Installing Oracle REST Data Services schema to version

... Log file is written to /u02/downthenet/orasw/thiagoleoncio/logs/ords_install_2018-01-13_143140_00752.log

Completed install for Oracle REST Data Services version  Elapsed time: 00:00:21.188

Enter one if you wish to start in standalone mode or 2 to exit [1]:2

[oracle@vbgeneric thiagoleoncio]$
I’ve not started the “jetty” standalone server just yet. We would need to complete a couple more steps.

Step1.4 – Enable ORDS for the custom application schema:

Connect to the custom database schema/user using SQL. This is an important step to be done. I’m using the “sqlcl” tool. If you haven’t tried, then you should give it a try, its sqlplus on steroids. The tool can be downloaded here from OTN.

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$ sql thiagoappuser01@ORCL
 SQLcl: Release RC on Fri Jan 17 12:52:53 2017
 Copyright (c) 1982, 2017, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 Password? (**********?) ******
 Connected to:
 Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options

SQL>exec ords.enable_schema;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
Step1.5 – database connection pool:
Setup database (connection pool) for the custom PL/SQL application. If there are multiple applications or DADs defined in the same database, then you could set up multiple database connection pools.

Here, we will create one connection pool for “thiagoappuser01”.

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$ java -jar ords.war setup –database thiagoappuser01

Enter the name of the database server [localhost]: localhost
 Enter the database listen port [1521]: 1521
 Enter 1 to specify the database service name, or 2 to determine the database SID [1]: 1
 Enter the database service name [ORCL]: ORCL
 Enter one if you want to verify/install Oracle REST Data Services schema or 2 to skip this step [1]:2
 Enter one if you're going to use PL/SQL Gateway or 2 to skip this step.
 If using Oracle Application Express or migrating from mod_plsql then you must enter 1 [1]:1
 Enter the PL/SQL Gateway database username [thiagoappuser01]: thiagoappuser01
 Enter the database password for thiagoappuser01:
 Confirm password:
 Enter 1 to specify passwords for Application Express RESTful Services database users (APEX_LISTENER, APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER) or 2 to skip this step [1]:2

Jan 17, 2018 3:08:59 PM

INFO: Updated configurations: thiagoappuser01

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$
In response to the scripted prompts, you give (or accept as defaults) the same machine name, listener port number, service name, etc. This time enter [2] when prompted to skip verifying/installing ORDS again. Then when prompted enter [1] to use the PL/SQL Gateway. Here is where you can enter the username (thiagoappuser01) as the gateway username, and also enter the password. Enter [2] to skip RESTful services again.

If you go to the config directory (/u01/app/ords/conf) you should see an XML file for this pool in the conf sub-directory, e.g.conf/thiagoappuser01.xml, and thiagoappuser01_pu.xml

Step1.6 – Multiple database pool connections (optional step):
When applications are running under different schemas (for different DAD), then we need to create multiple database pool connections. The simplest way is to repeat the previous step with the second database user (e.g., thiagoappuser01).

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$ java -jar ords.war setup –database appuser02
To get the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER for this database user, copy the previously created xml file (thiagoappuser01_pu.xml) and rename them to the new schema. i.e., appuser02_pu.xml. The username and password remain the same (ORDS_PUBLIC_USER and hashed value password).

I have three database pool connections in my configuration and works just fine. In essence, I have three dbpooluser .xml files and three dbpooluser_pu.xml files.

$ls -l /u01/app/ords/conf
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 344 Jan 17 08:57 appuser03_pu.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 344 Jan 17 08:57 appuser03.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 349 Jan 17 08:55 appuser02.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 341 Jan 17 08:55 appuser02_pu.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 344 Jan 17 08:50 thiagoappuser01_pu.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 344 Jan 17 08:50 thiagoappuser01.xml
Step1.7 – Create URL mapping for custom application:
This is part two of the two-part setup for the equivalent of a modplsql DAD. Here’s what I did:

[oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$ java -jar ords.war map-url –type base-path /tmmapp1 thiagoappuser01
 Jan 17, 2017 3:17:16 PM
 INFO: Creating new mapping from: [uri-pattern,–type] to map to: [base-path,,]
 [oracle@tgui thiagoleoncio]$
What this does is create a URL mapping, which should now show up in the configuration directory in file /u01/app/ords/url-mapping.xml. The trailing string “thiagoappuser01” is the schema name of the database to which this path (/tmmapp1) is bound. There is another file (/u01/app/ords/default.xml) created with core parameter values.

Step1.8 – ORDS debugging parameter (to be used in non-production environment):
In the configuration directory, edit defaults.xml file to enable debugging. Change the following two lines from false to true:

<entry key="debug.debugger">true</entry>
<entry key="debug.printDebugToScreen">true</entry>

Install self-signed certificate (optional):
It's quite simple to create a self-signed certificate using the java keytool. Here’s the simple write-up from SSL Shopper.
Copy the .jks and .key files under “standalone” directory. Since we’ll run ORDS in standalone mode, the jetty should be able to recognize the certificate.

$ ls -l /u01/app/ords/standlone
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 344 Jan 17 12:57 autoder.key
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 344 Jan 17 12:57 autokeystore.jks
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 349 Jan 17 12:58
Now, we should be able to access the URL via https (8443) as they had been configured in the standalone server parameters.

There is a limitation with current ORDS 3.0.9 version in which there is no native support to upload files something similar in mod_plsql dad configuration value PlsqlDocumentProcedure. The only other option that I could find was to be able to use ORDS plugins to write your Java code. The documentation to load/test a simple ORDS plugin worked but it wasn’t simple initially. I had to experiment with a couple of settings to make this work.

A couple of important things to make sure for the plugin to work.

ORDS_PUBLIC_USER should be set up correctly with correct database pool .xml file in the configuration directory. (e.g., thiagoappuser01_pu.xml)
The underlying / core database schema user should be enabled to use ORDS. This step is mentioned in the documents, but I’ll explain how it works based on the value set in USER_ORDS_SCHEMAS (user view). Read Colm Divilly’s (part of ORDS product development team) blog about what precisely enabling schema means here.
Please check the Oracle documentation for ORDS plugin here especially from prepare environment. The sample that is given returns the schema/database username. I’m not going to repeat how to build the .jar file as the instructions are quite clear on the documentation.

Once the .jar is created (plugin-demo.jar), add that to the “ords.war” file then start the ORDS in standalone mode.

$ ls -l /u02/downthenet/orasw/thiagoleoncio
total 48328
drwxr-xr-x. 3 oracle 20 Dec 13 07:16 docs/
drwxr-xr-x. 6 oracle 81 Dec 13 07:21 examples/
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle 53 Feb 17 14:14 logs/
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 49442151 Feb 17 14:13 ords.war
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle 35 Feb 21 14:02 params/
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle 43605 Dec 13 07:21 readme.html
$ java -jar /u02/downthenet/orasw/thiagoleoncio/ords.war standalone
The most difficulty I faced was to test this plugin from the browser. When I tried to test as mentioned in the document, was getting 404 error,

The request could not be mapped to any database. Check the request URL is correct, and that URL to database mappings have been correctly configured.

However, I was sure that I had enabled the schema for ORDS, and the value was set correctly in the user view by logging into thiagoappuser01 schema and ran the following query,

SQL> select parsing_schema, type, pattern, status from user_ords_schemas;

--------- ---------- ---------- ----------
thiagoappuser01  BASE_PATH  app01_plugin ENABLED
While experimenting with few setup options, what I did was to create a new URL mapping to define my URL pattern using the following command.

$ java -jar ords.war map-url --type uri-template /app01_plugin thiagoappuser01
What it does is, it creates a new/additional URL mapping to serve ORDS plugin with the pattern “appo1_plugin” but use thiagoappuser01 database pool connection. Now when I checked the the url-mapping.xml file (under ORDS configuration directory), I see two lines. One for base-path for the PL/SQL applications and one for the Java/ORDS plugin.

$vi /u01/app/ords/url-mapping.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pool-config xmlns="">
 <pool name="thiagoappuser01" base-path="/thiagoappuser01" updated="2017-01-18T16:17:27.523Z"/>
 <pool name="thiagoappuser01" uri-pattern="/app01_plugin" updated="2017-01-18T16:17:27.523Z"/>
 <pool name="appuser02" base-path="/appuser02" updated="2017-01-18T16:17:27.523Z"/>
 <pool name="appuser03" base-path="/appuser03" updated="2017-01-18T16:17:27.523Z"/>
Once the setting is complete, need to stop and restart ORDS standalone server. Tested to see if the plugin would return the value using the following URL,



The final step would be to create a simple PL/SQL code to test if the setup works for non-APEX PL/SQL application.

Login to thiagoappuser01 database schema and compile a sample “ords_test” package.


  PROCEDURE flexible_param1 
    name_array in owa_util.vc_arr,
    value_array in owa_util.vc_arr
  PROCEDURE fixed_param1
    pName in varchar2,
    pId   in number default 0
  PROCEDURE get_cookie;
  PROCEDURE set_cookie;
show error

  PROCEDURE flexible_param1
    name_array in owa_util.vc_arr,
    value_array in owa_util.vc_arr
      for vCnt in 1..name_array.count loop
        htp.p('name - '|| name_array(vCnt) ||'  value - '||value_array(vCnt)||'
      end loop;
  END flexible_param1;
  PROCEDURE fixed_param1
    pName in varchar2,
    pId in number default 0
    htp.p('name: '||pName||' id: '||to_char(pId));
  END fixed_param1;

  PROCEDURE set_cookie
    vSessionId VARCHAR2(4000) := substr(replace(replace(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode( dbms_crypto.randombytes(120))),CHR(13),NULL),CHR(10),NULL),1,150 );
    owa_util.mime_header( 'text/html', FALSE );
    -- Added Secure and HttpOnly to only allow cookie over HTTPS and to prevent Javascript retrieval of Session Cookie
    htp.print('Set-CookieSSION_ID='||vSessionId||'; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure'||CHR(10));
  END set_cookie;
  PROCEDURE get_cookie 
    vCookie owa_cookie.cookie;
    vCookie := owa_cookie.get('SESSION_ID    IF vCookie.num_vals > 0 then
      htp.prn('SESSION_ID|| vCookie.vals(1));
      htp.prn('SESSION_IDot Set');
    END IF;
  END get_cookie;    
show error


After the above sample package/snippet is compiled successfully, try the following URL to test based on the setup and configuration we had done so far.

To test the adjustable parameter, try the following URL:

Note the ‘ ! ‘ for testing the flexible parameter procedure

2. To test fixed parameter, try the following URL:


3. To test secure cookies work, try the following 2 URLS. First set the cookie value and then get the value,


Happy coding! Hope this helps someone who is looking to use ORDS as a replacement for mod_plsql in a non-APEX environment.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

OIM tables in OIM 11gR2 PS3

Below are details of tables in OIM 11gR2 PS3
Table Name Description
AAD List To Define The Administrators For Each Organization And Their Delegated Admin Privileges.
AAP Table for storing Resource – Organization level parameter Values.
ACP Acp – Link Table That Holds Reference To Act And Pkg Tables,
ACT Defines information about all organizations created in OIM through Xellerate.
ADF_LOOKUP_TYPES View to search in look up tables for the appropriate look up type.
ADF_LOOKUPS View to search in look up tables.
ADL Contains the all of the necessary parameters for an adapter task of type IF, ELSE IF, FOR, WHILE, SET, and VARIABLE tasks. These type of tasks are known as LOGIC TASKS.
ADM Data mapping between parameters input/output parameters and source/sink.
ADMIN_ROLE_CAPABILITY It stores the mapping between the Admin_Role to Capability tables
ADMIN_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP Admin-role to user membership in an organization scope.
ADMIN_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_VW View to give additional organization specific details (like parent org-id) for published admin role membership.
ADMIN_ROLE_RULE_SCOPES Stores the scope ids over which dynamic admin role membership will be granted when the rule for an admin role will get evaluated.  It also stores with/without hierarchy flag for each scope.
ADP Defines an adapter created through the Adapter Factory.
ADS Database, schema and procedure name selections which define a stored procedure adapter task.
ADT Defines a task attached to an adapter.
ADU Contains the web service and method chosen for a task of the Adapter Factory.
ADV Adapter variable table contains variables that have been created for specific adapters.
APA To store Attestation process administrators.
APD To store Attestation process definition.
APP_INST_PUBLICATION_VW View to give additional App-instance specific details (like app-instance name etc) for published App-Instance.
APP_INSTANCE Application Instance definition information.
APT To store the Attestation tasks.
ARCH_REQUEST Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_APPROVALS Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_APPROVALS table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_BE Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_BE table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_BED Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_BED table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_BENEFICIARY Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_BENEFICIARY table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_COMMENTS Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_COMMENTS table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_ENTITIES Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_ENTITIES table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_ENTITY_DATA Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_ENTITY_DATA table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_HISTORY Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_HISTORY table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_REQUEST_TA Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_TA table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_ROLESOD_CONFLICTS Archival table for storing archived data from ROLESOD_CONFLICTS table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARCH_WF_INSTANCE Archival table for storing archived data from WF_INSTANCE table during Request Archival/Purge.
ARS Contains custom response codes for ‘Process Task’ Adapters only.
ATD To store Entitlement details for each Attestation task .
ATP Defines input and output parameters for the constructor and method of an adapter task of type JAVA, UTILITY, TAME, REMOTE, and XLAPI.
ATR To store Attestation requests.
ATS Stores which services or can be ordered by which organizations and which rates apply.
AUD Define the Auditors.
AUD_JMS Transactional table storing intermediate audit information.
AUDIT_EVENT Stores Audit Events.
AUDIT_EVENT_ENT_TYPE_ACTN Stores metadata for entity type and its corresponding audit action.
AUDIT_EVENT_GROUP Stores metadata for Audit Event Groups.
AUDIT_EVENT_GRP_ENT_TYPE_ACTN Stores the relationship between Audit Event Groups and Entity Type Audit actions.
BULKLOAD_BATCH Bulkload Post Processing.
BULKLOAD_USR Bulkload Post Processing.
CALLBACK_DESTINATIONS Stores the list of failed callback destinations to retry .
CALLBACK_INVOCATION_RESULT Table to store results of callbacks invoked by OIM. Used to aggregate status for both synchronous and asyncrhronous invocation.
CALLBACK_PAYLOAD Stores the Callback notification data to be re-sent.
CAPABILITY It stores the capabilities for every action governed by the authorization policies
CATALOG Unified collection of catalog items.It will store the items of all the entities that will like to make themselves as Catalogable. At present we have Role, Entitlement and Application Instance as the catalogable entities.
CATALOG_HIERARCHICAL_ATTR Stores hierarchical attributes or technical glossary for catalog items.
CATALOG_METADATA_DEFINITION Collection of additional metadata defined on Catalog items.
CERT_ACTION_HISTORY Event details for certification action history.
CERT_ACTION_HISTORY_SCOPE Link table defining scope for certification action history events.
CERT_CERTS Certification Instances table.
CERT_CONFIG Certification configuration table.
CERT_DEFN Certification definition table.
CERT_EVT_LSNR Certification event listener definition table.
CERT_EVT_TRIG List of users requiring certification due to triggering of event
CERT_LAST_DECISION Last certification decision for an item.
CERT_TASK_ACTION Decision table for certification items in a SOA task.
CERT_TASK_INFO Link for a certification instance to a SOA task.
CERTD_ACCT_ENT_ASGN Link table for certification and accounts entitlements .
CERTD_APP_INST Decision table for application instances.
CERTD_ENT_DEFN Decision table for entitlement definitions.
CERTD_POL_ENT_DEFN Decision table for entitlement definitions in policies.
CERTD_ROLE Decision table for roles.
CERTD_ROLE_POLICY Decision table for Role Policies associations.
CERTD_STATS Stores completion statistics for certifications.
CERTD_USER Decision table for users.
CERTD_USER_ACCT Decision table for user accounts.
CERTDS_ENT_ASGN Decision and snapshot table for entitlement assignments in
CERTDS_USER_ROLE_ASGN Decision and snapshot table for role memberships.
CERTS_ACCOUNT Snapshot table for user accounts.
CERTS_ACCT_ENT_ASGN Snapshot table for entitlement assignments.
CERTS_APP_INST Snapshot table for application instances.
CERTS_CATALOG_UDF Snapshot table for catalog UDF data.
CERTS_ENT_DEFN Snapshot table for entitlement definitions.
CERTS_POL_ENT_DEFN Snapshot table for entitlement definitions in policies.
CERTS_POLICY Snapshot table for policies.
CERTS_ROLE Snapshot table for roles.
CERTS_USER Snapshot table for users.
CERTS_USR_UDF Snapshot table for user UDF data.
CIH Holds connector specific installation history information. It also stores Connector Name, Connector Version, Connector XML, etc.
COUN_LOG_TAB Used by the Connector Uninstall utility for storing temporary data.
CPA_CATALOG Audit table for catalog item.
CPA_CATALOG_FIELDS Audit table for catalog item, this will contains attribute changes.
DAV Stores the runtime data mappings for ‘Entity’ & ‘Rule Generator’ adapters. The data source being an Xellerate form or child table, or a user defined process form.
DEP Dependencies Among Tasks Within A Workflow Process.
DOB Data Resource definition consisting of the fully qualified class name of the data object.
DVT Defines the one to many relationship between Data Resources and Event Handlers (this includes adapters).
DYN_EVAL_CHANGELOG Contains the changelog data for dynamic evaluation since last job run.
EIF Export Import Files. Each row contains one single file used in export/import operation. For export there is only one file.
EIH Export Import History. Each row represents one Data Deployment Management session.
EIL DB Based lock for export operation. Used to make sure only one user can import at a time. This is currently not managed through dataobjects.
EIO Export Import Objects. Each row represents one object exported/imported.
EIS Substitutions used during import process.
EMD Core — Email Definition Information Table That Holds The Email Template Definitions.
ENT_ASSIGN Stores Entitlement Assignments.
ENT_ASSIGN_DELTA Intermediate table to store changes to Entitlement Assignments.
ENT_ASSIGN_HIST Stores Historical Entitlement Assignment information.
ENT_LIST Provisioning level Entitlement catalog.
ENTITLEMENT_PUBLICATION_VW View to give additional Entitlements specific details (like entitlement name etc) for published Entitlements.
ENTITY_PUBLICATION Entity publication to organization.
ESD Encrypted columns not within the bounds of the SDK.
EVT Defines event handlers by providing a the process and class name. In addition the scheduling time of when the event handler can execute is set to  pre (insert, update, delete)  or post (insert, update, delete).
FAILED_CALLBACKS Stores association information between callback destinations.
FAILED_TASKS Stores information related to failed JMS messages.
FUG List to define the administrators for each user defined object in the ‘Structure Utility’ form or for each user defined field in the ‘User Defined Field Definition’ form.
GCD GCD (Generic Connector Definition) is used by GTC for storing the information about the connectors that are created using GTC.
GPA Stores Group Profile audit snapshots and deltas.
GPG List to define the (nested)group members of User Group in the ‘User Group’ form.
IDA_POLICY_VIOLATION Instances of a Policy Violation.
IDA_POLICY_VIOLATION_CAUSE Instances of a Policy Violation Cause.
IDA_REMEDIATOR Instances of a Policy Violation
IDA_SCAN_DEFN Table for storing IDA SCAN definitions.
IDA_SCAN_RUN Instances of running a scan definition.
IDA_SCAN_RUN_POLICIES Table for storing relationship
IDA_SCAN_RUN_POLICY_VIOLATION Table for storing relationship information between IDA_SCAN_RUN and IDA_POLICY_VIOLATION.
IDA_SCAN_RUN_USER Table for storing relationship
IDA_TASK_POLICY_VIOLATION Table for storing external relationship information between SOA TSK and POLICY VIOLATION.
JOB_HISTORY Historical Data for each Job Run.
LATEST_PLUGINS Stores latest version information for plugins.
LKU Lookup definition entries.
LKV Lookup values.
LOCALTEMPLATE Table for Locale specific details for Notification Templates.
MAV Stores the runtime data mappings for ‘Process Task’ adapters. The data source being a process form, Location, User, Organization, Process, IT Resource, or Literal data.
MEV E-mail notification events.
MIL Holds information about tasks of a process.
MLS_LOCALE List of languages used for MLS [Multi Lingual Support] (for role) and MR [Multi Representation] (for user) representation of display names.
MLS_UGP Stores entries of MLS display names of roles.
MLS_USR Stores entries of MR display names of users.
MSG Defines the user groups that have permission to set the status of a process task.
MST Task Status And Object Status Information. Holds All The Task Status To Object Status Mappings.
MV_USER_COLS This table stores the data from USER_TAB_COLUMNS to reduce the data dict. recursive calls for improved performance.
NOTIFICATIONLOG Logging specific to Notifications.
NOTIFICATIONTEMPLATE Table for Notification Templates.
OBJ Resource Object definition information.
OIM_DATAPRG_FAILED_KEYS Logging table to store the entity keys for each module/entity which were failed during scheduled purge run.
OIM_DATAPRG_TASKS_LOGDTLS Logging table to store the details of the OIM Scheduled Task controlled purge runs for the module/entity feature level details.
OIM_DATAPURGE_TASK_LOG Logging table to store the details of the OIM Scheduled Task controlled purge runs,for the deletion of Entity data.
OIM_RECON_CHANGES_BY_RES_MV Materialized View used in the BI Report-
OIM_TMP_MLS_TABLE Oracle Global Temporary Table for intermediate processing of User entries of MLS data.
OIM_TMP_RECON_MLS_TABLE Oracle Global Temporary Table used in  intermediate processing of CHANGELOG event entries of MLS data for Recon Horizontal Tables.
OIM_TMP_TASK_ARCH_TAB Temporary table used by Provisioning Task Archival utility to stage data during the run.
OIMHOME_JARS Stores the jars that are uploaded using upload or update jar utility. These jars are primarily used by adapters.
ORC This Entity Holds The Detail On Each Order. This Could Be Considered The Items Section Of An Invoice.
ORCH_BENEFICIARIES_TMP Available only in an an envoronment upgraded to R2PS3 (not OOTB)
ORCHEVENTS_TMP Available only in an an envoronment upgraded to R2PS3 (not OOTB)
ORCHFAILEDEVENTS_TMP Available only in an an envoronment upgraded to R2PS3 (not OOTB)
ORCHPROCESS Stores the process instances that are being executed.
ORD Holds information that is necessary to complete an order regardless of a process being ordered.
ORF Resource Reconciliation Fields.
ORF Resource Reconciliation Fields.
ORG_HIERARCHY Holds information about the complete organization Hierarchy.
ORG_USER_MEMBERSHIPS Stores the User-Org membership details.
OSH Task Instance Assignment History.
OSI Holds information about tasks that are created for an order.
OTI Holds specific information such as status or scheduled dates about an instance of a task which are in Pending(Provisioning/Approval tasks ) and Rejected (Provisioning tasks) status buckets.
OUD Object Instance Request Target User Dependency Information.
OUG List to define the administrators for each Resource Resource.
PCQ Holds the challenging questions and answers for a user.
PKG Consists of names and system keys of service processs, which consist of a group of services from the TOS table.
PKH Package Hierarchy Table Holds The Parent-child Relationships Between Processes.
PLUGIN_METADATA Stores Metadata associated with  plugins.
PLUGIN_ZIP Stores plugin in zips as serialized blobs.
PLUGINS Stores plugins that are uploaded using register plugin utility.
POC Stores values for the child tables of the Object/Process form of a resource being provisioned by an access policy.
POG Join table between Policy and User Groups, Specifies the groups to whom an access policy will apply.
POL Policy Table Holds A Policy, Defines An Access Policy In The System.
POLICY The table holds the definitions for the policy engine policies.
POLICY_RULE_ASSIGNMENT The table holds the relations between policies and rules.
POLICY_TYPE The table holds the definitions for the policy engine policy types.
POP Policy Package Join Table Holds The Packages That A Particular Policy Orders For User,
PRF Process Reconciliation Field Mappings.
PRF Process Reconciliation Field Mappings.
PTY Client Properties Table.
PUG List To Define The Administrators And Their Delegated Admin Rights  For Each Process.
PWH These 2 tables are not IDAMDIN specific( PWR/PWH) . Same tables are used for password policy info when they are linked to the resource objects.
PWR These 2 tables are not IDAMDIN specific( PWR/PWH) . Same tables are used for password policy info when they are linked to the resource objects.
PXD Table that holds the list of all Proxies Defined.
QRTZ92_BLOB_TRIGGERS Quartz table to store Blob Triggers.
QRTZ92_CALENDARS Quartz table to store Calendars.
QRTZ92_CRON_TRIGGERS Quartz table to store Cron Triggers.
QRTZ92_FIRED_TRIGGERS Quartz table to store Fired Triggers.
QRTZ92_JOB_DETAILS Quartz table to store Job Details.
QRTZ92_JOB_LISTENERS Quartz table to store Job Listeners.
QRTZ92_LOCKS Quartz table to store Locks.
QRTZ92_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS Quartz table to store Paused Trigger Groups.
QRTZ92_SCHEDULER_STATE Quartz table to store Scheduler State.
QRTZ92_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS Quartz table to store Simple Triggers.
QRTZ92_TRIGGER_LISTENERS Quartz table to store Triggers Listeners.
QRTZ92_TRIGGERS Quartz table to store Triggers.
RA_LDAPROLE To store ldap role reconciliation data.
RA_LDAPROLEHIERARCHY To store ldap hierarchy reconciliation data .
RA_LDAPROLEMEMBERSHIP To store ldap role membership reconciliation data.
RA_LDAPUSER To store ldap user reconciliation data.
RA_MLS_LDAPROLE To store MLS ldap role reconciliation data.
RA_MLS_LDAPUSER To store MLS ldap user reconciliation data.
RA_XELLERATE_ORG Recon Staging table for resource object Xellerate Organization.
RAO Resource audit objectives information.
RAV Stores the runtime data mappings for ‘Pre-populater’ adapters. The data source being an Xellerate form or child table, or a user defined form.
RECON_ACCOUNT_MATCH Reconciliation Event Processes Matched.
RECON_ACCOUNT_OLDSTATE Intemediate Table for storing account specific audit data.
RECON_BATCHES Reconciliation Batches.
RECON_CHILD_MATCH Reconciliation Event Processes Child Table Matches.
RECON_EVENT_ASSIGNMENT Reconciliation Event Assignments.
RECON_EVENTS Reconciliation Events.
RECON_EXCEPTIONS Exceptions found in Target data during Reconciliation.
RECON_HISTORY Reconciliation Event Action History.
RECON_JOBS Reconciliation Jobs.
RECON_ORG_MATCH Reconciliation Event Organizations Matched.
RECON_ROLE_HIERARCHY_MATCH Reconciliation Event Role Hierarchy Matched.
RECON_ROLE_MATCH Reconciliation Event Role Matched.
RECON_ROLE_MEMBER_MATCH Reconciliation Event Role Member Matched.
RECON_TABLES Reconciliation Table Names.
RECON_UGP_OLDSTATE Intemediate Table for storing role specific audit data.
RECON_USER_MATCH Reconciliation Event Users Matched.
RECON_USER_OLDSTATE Intemediate Table for storing User specific audit data.
REQUEST To Store Request summary information.
REQUEST_APPROVAL_POLICIES Stores approval policy details like policy name, associated approval process, rules etc . Each approval policy is uniquely identified by APPROVAL_POLICY_KEY value, and is generated by sequence object APPROVAL_POLICY_SEQ.
REQUEST_APPROVALS To store Request Approval instances in a request and their status.
REQUEST_BENEFICIARY Stores the ids of benificiaries for agiven request
REQUEST_BENEFICIARY_ENTITIES Stores the entities that are part of a beneficiary in a Request.
REQUEST_BENEFICIARY_ENTITYDATA Stores the entity data for the entities pertaining to a Beneficiary.
REQUEST_COMMENTS This table is deprecated and is no longer used.
REQUEST_ENTITIES Stores the entities that are requested in a Request.
REQUEST_ENTITY_ATTR_VALUES This table stores values of multi-valued Request entity attributes. Binary values are stored in column REAV_VALUE_BLOB.
REQUEST_ENTITY_DATA Stores the entity data for the entities that are requested.
REQUEST_HISTORY To store Request History information.
REQUEST_PROFILE_ENTITIES To store entities associated with a Request Profile.
REQUEST_PROFILE_ENTITY_DATA To Store data associated with Request Profile entities.
REQUEST_PROFILES To store Request Profile summary information.
REQUEST_STAGES To store possible stages in a Request.
REQUEST_TEMPLATE This table is deprecated and is no longer used.
REQUEST_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTES Stores additional attributes associated with Request.
RES This table is used to stored adapter resources entered by the user.
RESOURCES Stores custom resource bundle information that are uploaded using upload or update resource bundle utilities.
RETURN_VALUES The child table holds return value definitions for the policy engine rules.
RGM Table for Response Code Generated Milestones.
RGP Rules To Apply To A User Group,
RGS Defines all known registries. These are used by Web Service tasks in an Adapter to communicate with a web service.
RIO Request Organizations Resolved Object Instances.
RLO This table contains directory URLs which are referenced by Adapter Factory jar/class files.
RML Rules To Apply To Task, Defines The Task Assignment Rules Attached To A Process Task.
ROLE_CATEGORY The table is used to store role categories. A category is similar to a folder that can be used to organize roles displayed in the console. Role categories simplify the administrators browse experience,
ROLE_PUBLICATION_VW View to give additional Role specific details (like role-name etc) for published Role.
ROLESOD_CONFLICTS To store Role SOD Conflicts.
ROP Rules To Apply To An Object-process Pair, Defines The Process Determination Rules Attached To A Resource Object.
RPW Rules To Apply To A Password Policy, Defines The Policy Determination Rules Attached To A Password Policy.
RPW Rules To Apply To A Password Policy, Defines The Policy Determination Rules Attached To A Password Policy.
RQD Contains self-registration request data for web admin.
RQY Request Organizations Requiring Resolution.
RQZ Request Users Requiring Resolution.
RSC Defines The All The Possible Response Code For A Process Task.
RUE Defines The Elements In A Rule Definition.
RUG List to define the administrators for each Request.
RULE The table holds the definitions for the policy engine rules.
RVM Holds Recovery Milestones.
SCH Holds specific information about an instance of a ask such as its status or scheduled dates.
SDC Column metadata.
SDH Meta-Table Hierarchy.
SDK User define data object meta data definition.
SDP User defined column properties.
SEL Data Object Permissions For Groups On A Specified Dataobject.
SIL_ASYNCH_INFO Table contains Entry for each Asynchronous SODCheck.
SIL_PARAMETERS IT Resource Instance names for each SIL System.
SIL_SCO_STY_JOIN Service component implementation for every System Type.
SIL_SERVICE_COMP Lists the various Service Components for completing and SoDCheck.
SIL_SYSTEM Stores the SIL systems supported and required connection parameters.
SIL_SYSTEM_TYPE Stores all the entries of SIL Systems.
SIL_TYPE_CATEGORY Categories of SIL Types available.
SIL_TYPES Types of all SIL category available.
SPD IT Resource parameter definition
SRE Defines Which Pre-populate Rule Generator Will Run For A Field Of User Defined Data Object.
SRS IT Resource – IT Resource join.
STA Status Codes
SVD IT Resource type definition.
SVP IT Resource property definition.
SVR It Resource Instance Definition.
TOS Holds information about a process.
TSH Recording History of Task Execution in Scheduler.
UGP Defines a group of users.
UHD User Policy Profile History  Details table.
UNM  “”UnDo Milestone”” Feature.
UPA Stores User Profile audit snapshots and deltas.
UPA_FIELDS Stores changes only for user profile audit history in denomalized format.
UPA_GRP_MEMBERSHIP Stores groups membership history in denomalized format.
UPA_RESOURCE Stores user profile resource history in denomalized format.
UPA_UD_FORMFIELDS This table would hold the history of changes to the process form data.
UPA_UD_FORMS This table would hold the summary of changes to the process form data.
UPA_USR Stores user profile history in denomalized format.
UPD User Policy Profile Details table.
UPGRADE_MDS_MERGE Table to store upgrade LCM data for Authorization.
UPH User Policy Profile History table.
UPP User Policy Profile table.
USER_PROVISIONING_ATTRS Transactional table that stores Access Policy related provisioning information for Users.
USG This table stores which users are in which groups.
USR Stores all information regarding a user.
USR_ATTRIBUTE_RESERVATIONS To store User Attributes with their reserved values.
USR_CONFIG_HISTORY This table stores the audit data for all the modifications done to User.xml are audited here.
UWP Window sequence, nesting in CarrierBase explorer for each user group.
UWP Window sequence, nesting in CarrierBase explorer for each user group.
WF_DEFINITION To Store SOA composite registration information.
WF_INSTANCE To store the SOA composite instances.
WIN Windows table: Windows keys, descriptions, and class names.
WS_SODCHECK Stores details of Webservice messages sent for SoD Check like Message ID, Callback URL, Request ID from BPEL workflow.
XSD This table holds Xellerate System Data.
Happy Coding,